تصویر الف-۹- تعیین میزان مصرف مواد غذایی برای گروه های سنی مختلف
تصویر الف-۱۰- وارد کردن میزان حضور فرد در منطقه و میزان استنشاق در سال
تصویر الف-۱۱- اجرای نرم افزار و گرفتن خروجی از آن
Tehran research reactor is a light water reactor with 5 megawatt power which has been worked with 20% enriched fuel located in urban part of Tehran in Amirabad residential area. This reactor does not work for all year and its activity is limited to one week per month on the average. This study examine air pollution resulting from normal function of the reactor with use of two methods including atmospheric simulation and biotracking in 2012. In order to determine the exhaust of the chimney of the reactor, the air was sampled with monitoring pump equipped with fiber glass and charcoal filters and analyzed and analysis with Gamma spectrometry method. Fiber glass and charcoal Filters trap particulate matter bigger than 1 micron and short half-life radioactive fumes, respectively. The chimney output simulation is performed by PC-CREAM software. This software simulated and calculated the rate of effective personal uptake dose at 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 2000 meters distance and 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330 and 360 degrees directions and for different groups of 1 year infants, 10 year children, adults and outdoor employed adults by entering data obtained from filters analysis, status of area weather during 2007-2011, target age groups, the rate of inhalation of different groups, consumption rate of native food produced by different age groups, the time of individual presence in the area and time for being a person in one building.
The results show that most effective received dose is 1/3×۱۰ -۱۴ micro sievert in 300 m distance and 150, 180 degree direction. This rate is much lower than national and international standards. For biotracking pine tree (Pinus eldarica) that is an old tree species was used. This part of study has been performed by sampling tree leaves from 6 stations in radius of 300 meters from reactor in June and October. Analysis of the samples has been performed by Gamma spectrometry method equipped with hypergermanium detector. The results show that the only present radioactive element is ۷Be and ۴۰k which are part of the natural radioactive elements that means there is no artificial radioactive elements in the samples. In general, based on the results, the normal function of Tehran research reactor is safe for residents and environment.
Key words:
Tehran research reactor, Air pollution, Radioactive elements, simulation, biotracking, PC-CREAM software, Pinus eldarica.
Islamic Azad University of Lahijan Branch
Agriculture & Natural Resource College
Department of Environmental Engineering
The M.Sc Thesis Submitted for the Degree
of Master of Environmental Science
Inventory Determination, Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling and Radiation DoseCalculation for Radionuclide Release from the Stack of Tehran Research Reactor in the Normal Operation and its effect on herbage
Dr. Fatemeh Shariati Feizabadi
Dr. Seyed Farhad Farnoudi
Dr. Abdolkarim Keshavarz Shokri
Eng. Nahid Sadeghi
Seyed Mohammad Mousavi
- Radio activity ↑
- Positron ↑
- Perspex ↑
- Spontaneous fission ↑
- Becquerel ↑
- Terabecquerels ↑
- Curie ↑
- Gray ↑
- Rad ↑
- Sievert ↑
- Rem ↑
- Half - time ↑
- American Machine and Foundry ↑
- ASME: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ↑
- Atmosphere ↑
- Hydrosphere ↑
- Lithosphere ↑
- Aerosol ↑
- contamination ↑
- International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) ↑
- ۱ Thermo Luminescence Dosimeter(TLD)
۲ High Pure Germaniun(HPGe)
۳ Scintillation Detector ↑
- ۱ Thermo Luminescence Dosimeter(TLD)
- Hydrogeology ↑
- Biotracking ↑
- Consequences of Releases to the Environment Assessment Methodology ↑
- Site ↑